
What kinds of experiences or effects can my patients expect from Floré, and over what timeframe?
DS-01® is formulated and designed to deliver core benefits across digestive health, gut barrier integrity, immune health, dermatological health, cardiovascular health, and micronutrient synthesis.

That said, everybody is physiologically unique and thus the exact response to DS-01R will vary with each individual, as does the timeline for experiencing its effects.

Commonly noticed benefits, such as reduced bloating or more regular bowel movements, may appear for some within 24-48 hours, particularly due to localized improvements in digestive function. For others, these effects might emerge over a few weeks as their bodies adjust.

During the initial phase, some individuals might go through an 'acclimation' period, experiencing temporary changes in bowel movement regularity. However, these usually normalize and become more consistent with continued use.
DS-01®'s effectiveness is grounded in its capacity to facilitate beneficial alterations throughout the body's ecosystem, with some impacts being subtle and not immediately observable. Some benefits of DS-01®, like increased production of short-chain fatty acids or enhanced gut barrier function, may take longer to manifest. Despite this, DS-01R offers a spectrum of clinically studied benefits impacting gastrointestinal, immune, cardiovascular, dermatological, and overall systemic health. Consistent daily intake ensures that these beneficial microbes continue to work internally, fostering and sustaining your patient's health through a multitude of clinically validated mechanisms.
Is Floré Synbiotic safe to take with medications and other supplements?
Floré Synbiotic is safe to take with other supplements.
There are no known contraindications with Floré Synbiotic and any over the counter or prescription medications. However, we encourage you to check with your physician before adding it to your regimen.
Is Floré Synbiotic safe to take when pregnant or breastfeeding?

Probiotics, in general, do not appear to pose any safety concerns for pregnant and lactating individuals. The current literature does not indicate an increase in adverse pregnancy outcomes when probiotics are used by healthy individuals.1

We recommend speaking with your physician or obstetrician before beginning Floré Synbiotic, just as with any dietary supplement or new health protocol initiated during pregnancy or lactation. Indicate on your health and diet survey upon registering your sample, that you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding. This allows the formulations team to take this into account when formulating your Floré Synbiotic.

  1. Sheyholislami H and Connor KL. Nutrients.2021


How solid is the science? I’ve heard the field is pretty new.
Microbiome health as a field is relatively new. However, human microbiome research has grown over the past 20 years, expanding exponentially in the past five years. A key factor in this increase is the availability and affordability of more sensitive sequencing technology like the one used by Floré's partner. There are now more researchers examining how the microbiome is related to every aspect of human health and disease. We pull data and reference high-quality research that is reproducible and gives consistent results. This way, you can be confident in the information that we share.
We've made comprehensive microbiome testing more accessible and affordable to families and use that microbiome research to custom create a pre + probiotic blend in Floré Synbiotic that is unique to each individual.
Why should my patients take Floré Custom Synbiotics?
Our bodies are home to a community of trillions of microorganisms, including 38,000,000,000,000 bacteria that live in and on us. They perform critical functions like digesting food, managing inflammation, and synthesizing key vitamins, metabolites and neurotransmitters. This is the microbiome.
Floré creates custom symbiotic probiotic and prebiotic formulated that provide benefits for gut function and whole-body health for adults ages 18+.
What does Floré Custom Synbiotic do?
Floré Synbiotic contains probiotic strains that have been clinically and scientifically studied to provide benefits around gastrointestinal function, skin health, heart health, gut immune function, gut barrier integrity, and micronutrient synthesis. You may access the strain- specific clinical studies associated with each benefit in our Reference Library.
What is the microbiome?

The human microbiome refers to the genetic material and products made by the vast numbers of microorganisms - bacteria, yeast, viruses, and archaea - that live with each other and with us. The gut microbiome is sometimes referred to as an "organ" that affects multiple systems throughout the body.

To give a little perspective, you have about one bacterial cell for every human cell. If you ignore red blood cells, this means that you have ten bacterial cells for every one human cell.

Even more impressive: There's an estimated 3.3 million bacterial genes in your gut, which is 150 times more than the human genome.

But what does that have to do with our health?

Some bacteria produce vitamins and train your immune system. Other bacteria, like Bifidobacterium, help your baby digest specialized sugars in breastmilk called HMOs (human milk oligosaccharides).

From immune education and neurodevelopment to nutrient breakdown, maintaining energy levels, and more, bacteria - and their genes are critical to our health.

*Please visit our Reference Library for any question we may not have answered here.


When will I feel something?

Everyone's body is different, and the benefits you may 'feel' (ease of bloating, more regular bowel movements) are often just the most visceral ones.

It is normal to feel effects in the digestive tract in as little as 24-48 hours. Other longer term benefits like cardiovascular health and gut immune function may take longer, or you may not notice anything at all. That's completely normal. As long as you continue your daily intake, those beneficial microbes are doing their work inside to program, sustain, and enhance your health.

How does Floré Clinical analyze the gut microbiome?
We can refer you to our CLIA-certified lab partners, or we can work with your lab of choice to analyse and report results. All of our lab partners follow the same protocol for Floré testing. Each sample is extracted, quantified, prepared, and analysed for total bacterial, fungal, or parasitic DNA. The sequenced microbial genome is then compiled to provide a complete picture of the functional capacity of that microbe in the gut.